Excusal Requests & Required Documentation
Complete the juror qualification questionnaire before submitting a request to be excused.
Mail or email all documentation to your county Jury Management Office for processing. The court will let you know if more information is needed for your request.
Active duty of the United States military
You may request an excusal if you are on active duty.
How: Submit your current assignment information. Use any of these:
- A copy of orders
- A letter from your commanding officer
- A copy of ID card showing an active-duty assignment
Active member of a volunteer fire department, fire patrol, first aid or rescue squad
You may request excusal if your volunteer service is required.
How: Submit one of these:
- A letter from your captain on fire company letterhead. OR
- A copy of a current ID card showing active volunteer status.
Financial Hardship
You may request an excusal if your service will make you unable to financially support yourself or your family.
How: Submit the Certification in Support of Request to Be Excused from Jury Service Due to Severe Financial Hardship. The form must show all of these:
- Household income
- How much your employer will pay for jury service.
- The impact jury service will have on your ability to support yourself and your family.
Full-time Teacher
Teachers who cannot find a replacement may ask to reschedule their jury service. You may request an excusal if you are a full-time teacher and there is no way to find a substitute.
How: Submit a letter from your school superintendent. The letter must say the following:
- You are a full-time teacher at a primary, middle, or secondary school: AND EITHER
- The school requires you to be there because they do not have enough coverage OR
- You are an essential special education teacher who is required to work.
Healthcare Worker
You may request an excusal if you are a healthcare worker under certain conditions:
- You are directly involved in the care of a person with a mental or physical disability, AND
- Your continued presence is essential to the regular and personal treatment of that person.
How: Submit a letter from your employer that says your continued presence is essential to the regular and personal treatment of the person.
Medical Excuse
You may request an excusal based on certain medical conditions:
- The condition must prevent you from serving on jury duty; AND
- The condition must be unlikely to change within a year.
How: A licensed doctor must complete and submit the Physician Certification in Support of Medical Excuse Request form.
Over the age of 75
If you are over the age of 75 and wish to be excused only for the upcoming summons date rather than permanently, submit your date of birth to the summoning jury management office.
Personal obligation to care for a minor child or children
If you care for a minor and no alternative childcare is available without causing a severe Financial hardship, submit the certification which states you are personally obligated to care for the minor child(ren).
Personal Obligation to Care for a Sick, Aged, or Infirm Dependent
You may request an excusal to care for a dependent in certain cases:
- You must be the only caregiver for that person.
- Your continued presence is essential to the regular and personal treatment of that person.
How: Submit a letter from a doctor stating these facts.
Provider of Highly Specialized Technical Healthcare Services
You may request an excusal if you provide certain healthcare services:
- You must be a provider of highly specialized technical healthcare services; AND
- No one else can replace you at your job.
How: Submit copy of your medical license and a letter from your employer that says no one else can perform your work.
Previous Jury Service Within the Last Three Years
You may request an excusal if you completed jury service in the same county in the past three years. You will not be excused if your recent jury service was in federal or district court instead of state court.
How: Submit the date you served in either Petit Jury, Grand Jury, or State Grand Jury within the last three years.