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Superior Court Clerk's Office



The Superior Court Clerk’s Office manages several statewide functions for the Judiciary. This includes court record storage and retrieval, uncontested foreclosures, judgment liens, and the annual attorney registration and payment process.

Michelle Smith, Clerk of Superior Court

Contact Us: 

Available M-F 8:30-4:30

Mailing Address:

Superior Court Clerk's Office
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex
P.O. Box 971
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0971

Hand Deliveries:

Superior Court Clerk's Office
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex
25 Market Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08625

Court Records

Court records are transferred to the Superior Court Records Center after they are resolved. Contact the Clerk's Office to request records from closed cases.

The Clerk's Office also administers the Electronic Access Program for online access to the Judiciary’s case management systems. Case data reports also are available through the Clerk’s Office.

Justices and Judges are required to file an annual Judicial Financial Reporting statement with the Administrative Director.  To request a copy of a justice’s or a judge’s Judicial Financial Reporting statement, email your request to

Attorneys seeking to file a Certification of Attorney Regarding Cybersecurity Incident and Request for Restoration of Access to New Jersey State Judiciary Systems should fax that request to 609-826-7021.

Foreclosure and Judgment Case Processing

All foreclosures are filed with the Superior Court Clerk’s Office. Uncontested foreclosures are processed by the Office of Foreclosure. See our foreclosure self-help page if you are representing yourself in a foreclosure. The Clerk’s Office oversees the collection of judgments awarded in all types of court cases. Visit our self-help page if you are trying to collect a money judgment or if you are trying to get a warrant of satisfaction that a judgment has been paid.

Attorney Registration and Payment

The Superior Court Clerk’s Office administers the annual online attorney registration and payment process . This helps ensure that all attorneys can gain access to eCourts, can create a Judiciary Account Charges System (JACS) account, and are properly listed in the online Attorney Index.

Bail Surety Program

The Superior Court Clerk’s Office maintains the Surety Bond Registry and registers all corporate insurance companies, their bail agencies and agents and guarantors of surety bonds. No surety bond for purposes of bail shall be accepted by any court unless the insurer has first filed with the Superior Court Clerk's Office a Bail Program Registration Form.

In addition to the registration process, the Clerk’s Office handles the enforcement process. If a condition of a recognizance is breached, bail will be forfeited by court order. A notice will be sent to county counsel, the defendant, and any surety or insurer, bail agent or agency directing that a default judgment will be entered as to any outstanding bail, absent a written objection seeking to set aside the forfeiture, which must be filed within 75 days of the date of the notice. The notice shall also advise the insurer that if it fails to satisfy a judgment and until satisfaction is made, it shall be removed from the Bail Registry and its bail agents and agencies, guarantors, and other persons or entities authorized by the insurer to administer or manage its bail bond business in this State will have no further authority to act for it, and their names, as acting for the insurer, will be removed from the Bail Registry.

To register an agency or agent with the Superior Court Clerk's Office, a corporate sponsor must complete and submit a Bail Program Registration Form.

E-mail the completed registration form to .

For more information, call   609-421-6100

Superior Court Trust Fund

The Superior Court Trust Fund is a temporary depository for funds claimed in connection with litigation in the New Jersey Superior Court or of funds to be deposited under the jurisdiction of the New Jersey Supreme Court.

The Superior Court Trust Fund Practitioner's Guide is provided to assist individuals or attorneys seeking to deposit and withdraw funds from court. Attorneys and self-represented litigants who have interaction with the Trust Fund should be familiar with and comply with all applicable rules, statutes and regulations.

Questions regarding the processing of Trust Fund work should be directed to or by calling   609-421-6100

Mailing Address:

SCCO Trust Fund
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex
P.O. Box 971
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0971

Hand Delivery:

SCCO Trust Fund
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex
25 Market Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08625