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Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS)

JEDS allows you to electronically submit your documents and record requests to the courts. Documents can be submitted through JEDS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They will be processed during normal business hours: weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except court holidays and recesses.

On This Page


Registration and Login

If you are a self-represented litigant and have not previously registered with the New Jersey Courts, you must complete the registration process before eFiling: Register now.

If you have a user ID and password to access eCourts, Evidence Submission, Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS) or Municipal Case Resolution you must use those credentials. Attorneys must use their assigned attorney bar ID credentials: Log in now.

What you’ll need:

  • Use a computer or laptop. JEDS does not work with mobile devices.
  • Electronic copies of all documents and forms.
  • Filing fees can be paid by credit card, debit card, or ACH transfer from U.S. banks only.

How to Prepare

Forms are available in the Self-Help Center.

All documents must be in .pdf, .docx, or .jpg format.

The file size limit is 35MB. Larger files must be broken up into smaller files for uploading.

You cannot upload evidence or discovery documents.

If you have questions about what to file, you can email or call your local court ombudsman for help.

Filing Fees. Some filings require a filing fee. The system will tell you how much the fee is when you select your filing type. You can use a credit or debit card. You can also use an ACH transfer from a U.S. bank. You will need the account number and routing number to do a bank transfer.

Emergent Matters. JEDS can be used to submit emergent matters 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Emergent matters filed while the courts are closed will be processed on the next business day. Learn more about emergent matters

Uploading Multiple Documents. You must attach all related documents at the time of filing for one submission. You will not be able to add additional documents to your filing after it is submitted. The maximum file size for each document is 35 MB.

Court Stamped Documents. Documents are affixed with the date and time once they are accepted by the court. If the documents you submitted are not listed under "Court Stamped Documents," please contact the court you submitted your filing to.

Submitted Documents. Documents submitted by 11:59 p.m. will receive a filed date for the same day.

Confirm the Status of Your Filing. You can view your submitted filings by selecting the tile "Filings You Have Submitted" on the "Home" screen.

Filings that are not successfully submitted will be listed in the “Filings You Have Not Submitted” tile. These filings will be removed from the system after 72 hours. Once the filings have been removed, you will need to restart the filing process. You can also delete these filings by selecting the three dots (ellipsis) at the end of the row.

You can view your submitted documents by going to "Filings You Have Submitted" and selecting "Open" next to your filing. You can also request access to see your case information in eCourts. 

Self-Represented Litigants

Watch the JEDS instructional video to learn how to use the system. 

Use JEDS for These Case Types

Civil CasesCriminal
Child Support/CustodyDivorce
Domestic Violence ContemptDomestic Violence/Victim’s Assistance and Survivor Protection Act
Special CivilLandlord/Tenant
Small ClaimsJudgment Processing
Records RequestsMunicipal complaints and Traffic tickets

Note: JEDS cannot be used for civil commitments, guardianship, estate cases, or any Tax Court filings.  Record Requests for Tax Court documents should be sent to the


Information for Attorneys

Attorneys should use their bar ID to log into JEDS. Watch this information video specifically for attorneys.

You cannot upload evidence or discovery documents in JEDS.

Attorneys should use JEDS for

Child Support/CustodyJudgment Processing
DivorceMunicipal complaints and Traffic tickets
DV ContemptSmall Claims

NOTE: JEDS cannot be used for civil commitments, guardianship, or estate cases

Filing Fees. Attorneys can use their existing JACS account to pay filing fees. Credit cards, debit cards, and ACH transfers are also accepted. Filing fees are not processed by your JACS account automatically.

JEDS Quick Reference Guides

Frequently Asked Questions

    • Q. ‘Create Filing’ and ‘Filings You Have Not Submitted’ are not displaying on the home screen.

      ‘Create Filing’ and ‘Filings You Have Not Submitted’ are not available when accessing from a device with a mobile operating system. The application is only compatible with a computer or laptop at this time.
    • Q. I get a blue "PEGA" screen asking me to log in again.

      If you are receiving this message, please clear the cache (browsing history and cookies) in your browser. Then close your browser and reopen it to try again. You may also try using a different browser when you get this message which is compatible with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

      To clear the cache in Microsoft Edge.
      To clear the cache in Chrome.
      To clear the cache in Internet Explorer.
      To clear the cache in Safari.

    • Q. I have questions about what I should submit, where I should submit it, or a question about a previous submission.

      Contact your local ombudsman or local county court for assistance.

    • Q. I get an "unauthorized" message after logging in.

      If you are receiving this message, please clear the cache (browsing history and cookies) in your browser. Then close your browser and reopen it to try again. You may also try using a different browser when you get this message. NJ Courts applications are compatible with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

    • Q. I don’t see 'Judiciary Account Charge System (JACS)' as a payment type. How can I pay with my JACS account? (Attorneys only)

      If the user name that is logging into JEDS isn't the attorney bar ID that is associated to the JACS account, JACS will not be available as a payment option.

    • Q. I registered with NJ Courts but did not receive an activation email.

      Please check your email after a few minutes and be sure to check your junk/spam folder for the activation email. You can also request a new activation email.

    • Q. How can I remove a filing from JEDS?

      JEDS does not allow users to delete documents.

    • Q. I submitted a complaint to the wrong court. How can I get my filing fee refunded?

      Court staff have the technical ability to change the court of the submitted document if it was submitted incorrectly. For more information regarding specific refund questions, please contact the Superior Court Clerk's Office.

    • Q. I have received a message that payment could not be processed and status is "payment required".

      You can select ‘Continue’ next to the filing under “Filings You Have Not Submitted” and submit the payment again. If you do not have a ‘Continue’ button, you will need to submit a new filing. A filing with a fee will not be successfully submitted to the court until you receive a confirmation message that the filing was successful.

    • Q. I am unable to upload a file in JEDS.

      • The document cannot be encrypted and/or password protected.
      • The file name and document description cannot be longer than 56 characters, including spaces and cannot contain any special characters. (e.g.: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; “ ‘ < , > . ? /)
      • The file size cannot exceed 35 MB.
      • The file must be in one of the following formats - .pdf, .docx and .jpg
    • Q. I have followed these suggestions and am still unable to resolve my JEDS technical issue.

      For technical issues with JEDS, call the  Superior Court Clerk's Office help desk at  609-421-6100
      You can also send an e-mail including the technical issues you are experiencing to