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Filing Fees/Fee Waivers - Child Support and Custody

Fees for filing in FD (non-dissolution) cases.

Filing Fees and Fee Waivers

To file an FD case with CN 11492No fee
To request a modification with CN 11487$25

*Note: the request for child support enforcement must be a separate check or money order, unless you are filing online. All checks must be made payable to Treasurer, State of NJ

Notice of appearance (if you have an attorney)$50
Substitution of attorney (if you get a new attorney)$35
Motion for reconsideration of the judge’s decision$50

Do you qualify for a fee waiver?

  • You might not have to pay to file your case if your income and assets are low enough. Fill out the Fee Waiver form and give it to the court along with the required documents.
  • You can apply for a fee waiver in any NJ state court: Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Superior Court and Tax Court.
  • Request and learn more about fee waivers.