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Prolene Hernia System Mesh


The Prolene Hernia System Mesh is a polypropylene-based mesh prosthetics designed for the repair of hernias. On Jan. 6, 2020, the Supreme Court designated pending and future New Jersey state court litigation alleging injuries from use of Prolene Hernia System Mesh as multicounty litigation and assigned it for centralized management to Atlantic County.

Application for Multicounty Litigation Designation-Prolene Hernia System Mesh
Comments to Application - Prolene Hernia Mesh
Initial Case Management Order

There are no calendar events at this time

Judges and Staff
Michael J. Blee, Assignment Judges - Atlantic/Cape May, Phone
John C. Porto, Civil Presiding Judges - Atlantic/Cape May - John C. Porto, Phone
Allison Theoharis, Civil - Atlantic, Phone
Natalie A. Williams, Civil Division Manager - Atlantic - Natalie A. Williams, Phone
Rose Bradley, MCL - Atlantic- Rose Bradley, Phone