This page provides important instructions for participating in remote court events. Remote court is held either over the phone or via a video conferencing program. The court will provide phone users with dial-in instructions. The court will also provide the link for video conferences.
Here are instructions and tips to help you prepare for your day in virtual courts.
How to Join and Participate in a Zoom Virtual Courtroom
Zoom - Technology Software Requirements
How to view a Sign language interpreter in Zoom
Procedure for Sign Language Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) in Zoom
How to Join a Teams Meeting through the Teams Client
How to Prepare for and Participate in a Virtual Court Proceeding (Video)
Sign Language in Remote Video Court
If using Zoom, please refer to the Sign Language in Zoom resource listed above.
These tips for interpreters will help you deliver quality service for deaf or hard of hearing individuals. Download the interpreter checklist to ensure you have every piece in place.
Technology Rooms Available
Some courthouses provide technology spaces all virtual court proceedings and court events. If a technology space is not available, Judiciary staff will assist you so that you can participate in your case either as scheduled or at a future time. Click on your respective county to view available technology spaces and get contact info to reserve a technology space.
- Atlantic/Cape May
- Ten technology spaces are available:
- Five in Atlantic City Civil Courthouse
- Three in Mays Landing Criminal Courts Complex
- Three in Cape May County Courthouse
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled court event:
- 609-402-0100 ext. 47220 or
- To request a technology space for an emergent or unscheduled court matter:
- 609-402-0100 ext. 47043 or
- For other assistance, including interpreting or an ADA accommodation:
- 609-402-0100 ext. 47043 or
- Ten technology spaces are available:
- Bergen
- Three technology spaces are available.
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event:
- 201-221-0700 ext. 25102
- For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation:
- Burlington
- Two dedicated (DV) and three multi-purpose technology spaces are available.
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event:
- Civil - 609-288-9500 ext. 38091
- Criminal - 609-288-9500 ext. 38081
- Family - 609-288-9500 ext. 38831
- If you are at the courthouse, please proceed to the kiosk immediately after the security screening and speak to a court representative.
- For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation: 609-288-9500 ext. 38021
- Camden
- Three technology spaces are available.
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event:
- 856-650-9100 ext. 43090 or 856-650-9100 ext. 43020
- For interpreting services: 856-650-9100 ext. 43080
- For ADA accommodations: 856-650-9100 ext. 43020
- Cumberland/Gloucester/Salem
- Twenty-nine technology spaces are available:
- Seven technology spaces are available in Cumberland County Courthouse
- Ten technology spaces are available in the Gloucester Justice Complex
- Two technology spaces are available in the Old Courthouse in Gloucester
- Five technology spaces are available at 5pts in Gloucester
- Five technology spaces are available in the Salem County Courthouse
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event:
- 856-878-5050 ext. 15826 or
- For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation:
- 856-878-5050 ext. 15260 or
- Twenty-nine technology spaces are available:
- Essex
- Eight technology spaces are available:
- Five in the Hall of Records
- Two in the Veterans Courthouse
- Two in the Wilentz Justice Complex
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event:
973-776-9300 ext. 57007
or -
973-776-9300 ext. 57007
- For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation: 973-776-9017 ext. 57197 or .
- Eight technology spaces are available:
- Hudson
- Four technology spaces are available.
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event, or for other assistance such as interpreting services or an ADA accommodation:
- 201-748-4400 ext. 60759 or .
- Hunterdon/Somerset/Warren
- Eight technology spaces are available:
- Three at the Somerset Courthouse
- Three at the Hunterdon Courthouse
- Two at the Warren Courthouse
- To reserve a technology space for either a scheduled or unscheduled court event or for an emergent application, contact the relevant trial court division. The main number and extensions are as follows:
Somerset Hunterdon Warren Criminal Division 908-332-7700 ext. 13720 908-824-9750 ext. 13110 908-750-8100 ext. 13130 Civil Division 908-332-7700 ext. 13710 908-824-9750 ext. 13810 908-750-8100 ext. 13910 Family Division 908-332-7700 ext. 13730 908-824-9750 ext. 13830 908-750-8100 ext. 13930 - For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation:
- Somerset - 908-332-7700 ext. 13750
- Hunterdon - 908-332-7700 ext. 13030
- Warren - 908-750-8100 ext. 13010
- Other concerns:
908-332-7700 ext. 13240 (Ombudsman)
908-332-7700 ext. 13000 (Court Administration)
- Eight technology spaces are available:
- Mercer
- Two technology spaces are available:
- One space is available for civil and family matters at the Mercer Civil Courthouse at 175 S. Broad St. in Trenton.
- One space is available for criminal matters at the Mercer Criminal Courthouse at 400 S. Warren St. in Trenton.
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event:
- Family - 609-571-4200 ext. 74380
- Civil - 609-571-4200 ext. 76019
- Criminal - 609-571-4200 ext. 74074
- For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation: 609-571-4200 ext. 74030
- Two technology spaces are available:
- Middlesex
- Four technology spaces are available:
- Two in the Main Courthouse
- Two in the Family Courthouse
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event, or an emergency application or unscheduled matter:
- Civil and General Equity - 732-645-4300 ext. 88832 or
- Criminal - 732-645-4300 ext. 88144 or
- Family - 732-645-4300 ext. 88712 or
- Probation Supervision and Child Support - 732-645-4300 ext. 88482 or
- Miscellaneous - 732-645-4300 ext. 88019 or
- For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation:
- 732-645-4300 ext. 88010 or
- Four technology spaces are available:
- Monmouth
- Four technology spaces are available:
- Two at the courthouse
- One at Ocean Probation
- One at the Hall of Records
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event:
- Family - 732-358-8700 ext. 87160
- Criminal - 732-358-8700 ext. 87421
- Civil - 732-358-8700 ext. 87590
- For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation: 732-358-8700 ext. 87068 or
- Four technology spaces are available:
- Morris/Sussex
- Four technology spaces are available:
- Two spaces in Morris County Courthouse
- Two spaces in Sussex County Judicial Center
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled court event:
- Morris - 862-397-5700 ext. 75160 or
- Sussex - 862-397-5700 ext. 75080 or
- To request use of a technology space for an emergent application or unscheduled court matter for Morris/Sussex Vicinage:
- 862-397-5700 ext. 75160 or
- For other assistance, including interpreting services or an ADA accommodation:
- Morris - 862-397-5700 ext. 75070 or
- Sussex - 862-397-5700 ext. 75070 or
- Four technology spaces are available:
- Ocean
- Three technology spaces are available.
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event:
732-504-0700 ext. 64355 or - For other assistance, including interpreting or an ADA accommodation:
732-504-0700 ext. 64025 or
- Passaic
- Seven technology spaces are available in the Passaic Vicinage:
- Two at the 401 Grand Street Administration Building
- Two at the 77 Hamilton St. New Courthouse
- Two at the 71 Hamilton St. Historic Courthouse
- One at the 63-65 Hamilton St. Courthouse Annex
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event, or for other assistance such as interpreting services or an ADA accommodation:
- 973-653-2910 ext. 24032 or
- Seven technology spaces are available in the Passaic Vicinage:
- Union
- Two technology spaces are available:
- One room in the Cherry St Annex
- One room in the New Annex Building
- To reserve a technology space for a scheduled or unscheduled court event, or for other assistance such as interpreting services or an ADA accommodation:
- 908-787-1650 ext. 22200or
- Two technology spaces are available: