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Juvenile Probation Supervision

In juvenile delinquency matters, Probation enables rehabilitation and accountability. Probation also includes Adult Supervision and Child Support Collections and Enforcement.



The goal of Juvenile Supervision is to work with youth who have been placed on Probation or received a Deferred Disposition to change their behavior and help them successfully complete probation. Juvenile Probation Officers work with youth, their families, and other supports to create a plan to work on needs and conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, paying fines and restitution, completing community service, reporting regularly to their probation officer, receiving home visits, staying sober and taking drug tests, referring for counseling if needed, and attending school.

I have been placed on juvenile probation.
My child has been placed on juvenile probation

What can I expect on juvenile probation?

  • Your Probation Officer will work with you, your family, the court and community providers to help you succeed on probation.
  • Your Probation Officer will have regular contact with you and your family in your home and their office.
  • Your Probation Officer will help you get help by linking you with services and supports to help you succeed

What can I expect as a parent with a child on juvenile probation?

  • Probation Officers will work with you, your child, family supports, the court and community providers to help your child succeed on probation.
  • Probation Officers will have regular contact with you and your child in your home and their office.
  • Probation Officers will help you and your child by referring your child to services and supports as needed.
  • Juvenile Probation Officers receive special training to work with youth on Probation.

Juvenile Intensive Supervision Program (JISP)

The Juvenile Intensive Supervision Program (JISP) is available for certain juveniles convicted of a crime.


Entry to JISP is not a given. The family court judge may refer you to JISP, except if you are convicted of certain crimes:

  • First degree cases
  • Megan’s Law sex offenses
  • Arson offenses


If you are eligible for the program, the family court judge may refer your case to a JISP officer for assessment.

The Investigation and Assessment

Before you enter JISP, you and your family will meet with a JISP officer to review the program and ask questions to help find out whether you will be able to complete the program.

The JISP officer will then submit a report to the family court judge. If the judge determines that you are eligible based upon the investigation report, the judge will sentence you into the JISP program by court order.

Rules of JISP

  • You must attend school and/or have a job
  • Community service
  • Regular contact with your JISP officer
  • Firm curfew rules
  • Your Family will take part in the program
  • Take part in treatment programs

Length of Program

If you are accepted into JISP program, you can expect to be in the program for at least 18 months.

Juvenile Delinquency and Your Child
Regional ISP and JISP offices

Moving Out Of State

Interstate Compact for Juveniles (ICJ)

The Interstate Compact for Juveniles (ICJ) helps protect the public and provides for the welfare and protection of juvenile clients, victims and the public. The compact guides the transfer of probation or parole supervision of client between states. It guides the interstate travel of juvenile probationers and parolees. It also guides the return of juveniles who are on probation and have left the state without the court’s permission escaped, run away to avoid facing charges or run away from home. The ICJ website gives juveniles and their families information and resources to prepare themselves for the interstate transfer process.

Answers to questions like, “can my child go to school out-of-state while my child is on probation,” and “what if my family needs to relocate while my child is on probation,” can be found here.

Client Resources

Review the Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings and Your Child brochure to learn more about how those court cases are resolved. You can also read the What to Expect While on Probation brochure for more information.

Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline  at 1-800-273-8255 if you want to talk to someone. 

Call the New Jersey Division of Child Protection & Permanency at 1-877-NJ-ABUSE if you suspect a child is being abused.

You can request expungement of a juvenile record. 

Perform Care helps families across New Jersey with Behavioral Health, Intellectual/Developmental Disability Services, and Substance Use Treatment. Their service number is 1-877-652-7624.

The NJ Coalition to End Domestic Violence provides Teen Dating Violence webinars for both teens and their parents. 

Behavioral Health Resources:

*In case of emergency: If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call 911 right away.

Batterer's Intervention Services:

Use the links below to find batterer's intervention services in your area

Department of Children and Families Domestic Violence Services. This department provides domestic violence programs throughout the state. 

They also fund the:
NJ Coalition to End Domestic Violence (NJCEDV) 
24-Hour Helpline: 800-572-7233

Substance Abuse Resources:

**If you or someone you know is experiencing a drug overdose or alcohol poisoning call 911 right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

    • Q. What do I do if I cannot pay my fines?

      Discuss with your probation officer. Your probation officer can provide resources to gain employment or request the judge to change a payment plan

    • Q. What is a Deferred Disposition?

      A deferred disposition is when the Court sets aside sentencing you to anything specific, such as a term of probation or incarceration for a period of time. If you receive a deferred disposition you will be assigned a probation officer who will help you successfully complete your conditions. You will have some contact with your probation officer in your home, at their office, or by phone. At the end of your deferred disposition term, your probation officer will update the court on how you have done. If you do not re-offend and complete your conditions, the complaint against you will be dismissed and you will not have to reappear in court. If you receive new charges or do not complete your conditions, you may have to return to court.

    • Q. Can I choose where I do my community service?

      No, your probation officer will provide guidance as to what approved places you can perform your community service at or provide other options.

    • Q. What is an "adjudication?"

      By law, a juvenile who commits an offense under the age of 18 cannot be "convicted;" they do not have a criminal record. However, the youth does go through a formal court process: they appear in court represented by a lawyer and a judge orders a final decision known as a disposition of the case. It is this final disposition that is called an "adjudication."

    • Q. What if I have a problem working with my probation officer?

      Probation officers are trained to work effectively with you and your family to help you successfully complete probation. Our customer service policies require our staff to treat our clients respectfully at all times. If you believe any probation staff are not reflecting these goals and policies, you can bring this to the attention of the probation supervisor, assistant chief probation officer or vicinage chief probation officer. Their names/contact information are made available during the Intake process.

    • Q. Are my juvenile probation records confidential/sealed?

      Juvenile court records are not sealed unless ordered by the court. Juvenile court records are not released without approval from you or by court order. However, by law, only juvenile charges are confidential, the final court order by the judge is not. This could allow information to legally be made available without your knowledge. In completing any applications, such as for jobs, college, financial aid or the military, questions about a Family Court record must be answered truthfully.

    • Q. What does it mean to be on Juvenile Probation?

      You will have to comply with all conditions of probation and anything the court may order. This includes having regular contact with your probation officer at their office and in your home; taking drug tests; attending school or getting employment; paying fines; getting permission to leave the state; following all laws; not having access to a weapon (including a paint ball gun); completing community service; going to treatment; and more things to help you succeed. You might also have the opportunity to participate in positive activities with your Probation Officer. You and your family will work with your Probation Officer on everything you need to complete and how you will do that.

    • Q. Can I travel out of the state or out of the country while on probation?

      Travel out of state needs permission of the probation officer based on compliance with Probation. A travel permit is needed for trips lasting longer than 24 hours. The needed information to process the travel permit must be given to the probation officer at least two weeks before when you plan to leave. Your parents/guardians must be available to sign the travel permit. Probation officers will submit requests for travel out of the country to the judge for approval.

    • Q. Will my probation officer contact my school?

      Probation officers work with the school principal or someone the principal assigns, as required by the laws of New Jersey. These contacts are to watch for changes in school attendance, behavior, and any problems with complying with Probation. Your probation officer may conduct visits at the school also.

    • Q. How can I get an expungement?

      Juvenile Records are not automatically erased, expunged or sealed at the end of the supervision term or when the youth reaches their 18th birthday. Expungement or sealing of the records is another court process that you would need to start. Contact your lawyer for further information.

    • Q. How can I get an Early Discharge from juvenile probation?

      An early discharge from Probation can be possible when your (or your child’s) performance has been acceptable and the following requirements have been met: All conditions of probation have been met. You are regularly making payment on your fines/fees. The case has been reviewed and approved by the vicinage chief probation officer or assistant chief probation officer. The judge provides approval.

    • Q. What happens if the rules of Probation are not followed? Is jail a possibility?

      Your probation officer will work with you on following the rules, however will also put sanctions in place. Sanctions can include more frequent reporting, having a curfew, writing an essay, or a review with a probation supervisor. At times a Violation of Probation (VOP) may need to be filed. A VOP is a new charge and will require legal representation. During a VOP you will be brought back in front of the judge and the judge can order new things including an extension of probation, specific services or placement in detention.

    • Q. What do I need to know about sexual offenses charges and Megan’s Law?

      Specially trained probation officers supervise youth who receive a sexual offense charge or have been placed on Megan’s Law. These probation officers are skilled in areas including Megan’s Law and are able to link you with specific resources you may need. Please ask your probation officer any questions you may have.

    • Q. Is Juvenile Probation different from Adult Probation?

      Juvenile cases are heard in the family division and adult cases are heard in the criminal division. Juvenile Probation officers work closely with the youth, families, schools, and other supports/services to help the youth in making positive changes and successfully completing their probation term.