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Types of judicial discipline

If the ACJC investigates a complaint and believes that the judge has violated the Judicial Code of Conduct, it may choose to discipline the judge privately. The private discipline would be a letter to the judge that says the ACJC has found wrongdoing and is issuing to the judge either:

  1. Guidance;
  2. Caution;
  3. Admonition;
  4. Reprimand; or
  5. Censure

The ACJC instead might recommend that the Supreme Court issue public discipline against the judge. Only the New Jersey Supreme Court may publicly discipline a judge. The ACJC could recommend:

  1. A dismissal of the case with or without private discipline;
  2. Public admonition;
  3. Public reprimand;
  4. Public censure;
  5. Suspension; or
  6. Begin proceedings to have the judge removed from the bench.