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Glossary-Custody Parenting time


Adult Neutral Party :

An adult neutral party is an impartial third-party. They have no financial, official, or personal interest in a controversy, dispute, or issue.

Affidavit :

An affidavit is a notarized written statement made to the court swearing that the information contained in the filed papers is true.

Appeal :

An appeal is a written request asking a higher court to look at the decision of the judge and change that judge’s decision.

Arrears :

The word arrears means unpaid or overdue child support, alimony or spousal support payments.

Caption :

The caption is how the parties’ names were written in the original papers filed for your divorce. If you were the plaintiff or defendant, you are still the plaintiff or defendant for all subsequent filings.

Certification :

A certification is a written statement made to the court when you file papers, swearing that the information contained in the filed papers is true.

Defendant :

The defendant is the person or business against whom a case is filed.

Exhibits :

Exhibits are papers and information you provide to support what is in your motion.

Family Case Information Statement (CIS) :

The CIS tells the court your past financial status as well as your current status. If you are filing an FM motion and asking for any type of monetary relief such as an increase or decrease in support, you must complete and file a copy of the last CIS submitted to the court and complete a new and current CIS.

File :

To file means to give the correct forms and fee to the court to begin the court’s consideration of your request.

Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS) system :

The JEDS system is an electronic filing system for self-represented litigants for submitting documents to the court. Attorneys can only use the JEDS system in cases not managed through eCourts.

Motion :

A motion is a written request in which you ask the court to issue an order, change an order it has already issued, enforce an order it has already issued, or ask the court to take some other action related to your case.

Order :

An order is a signed paper from the judge telling someone they must do something.

Party :

A party is a person, business or governmental agency involved in a court action.

Plaintiff :

The plaintiff is the party who starts the lawsuit.

Pleading :

A pleading is a formal written statement of the respective parties of their claim or response to a claim.

Pro Se :

The term pro se means that you are representing yourself in court without a lawyer.

Process Server :

A process server is a person (for example, a sheriff or deputy), who serves writs, subpoenas, etc.

Relief :

To ask for relief is to ask the court for something.

Service :

Service refers to the delivery of a writ, summons, or other legal papers to the person required to respond to them.

Substantial Change :

A substantial change, as used in this packet, means a significant change in your situation or circumstances affecting your case.

Third Party :

A third party is a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation, especially a dispute.

Warrant :

A warrant is a notification to law enforcement that a person should be arrested when found.