News Release
Acting Administrative Director of the Courts
Office of Communications
Hudson Vicinage to Hold Law Day Ceremony
The Hudson Vicinage will celebrate Law Day at noon on Thursday, June 6 in the rotunda of the William J. Brennan Courthouse, 583 Newark Ave., Jersey City.
The program will begin with welcoming remarks from Assignment Judge Jeffrey R. Jablonski and a presentation of colors by the Hudson County Sheriff’s Honor Guard Unit. Lisa A. Burke, executive director of the Hudson County Bar Association and Hudson County Bar Foundation, will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Hudson County Judiciary Voices in Unity, under the direction of Kionda Gallman, will perform the national anthem and “America the Beautiful.”
Bar Association President Diane L. Cardoso will introduce this year’s keynote speaker, Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez, who will address this year’s theme, “Voices of Democracy.”
Hudson County Executive Craig Guy will present a Law Day proclamation. Hudson County Superior Court Judges Michael A. Jimenez, Gary Potters, Mary Costello, and Jose Vilarino will announce the winners of the bar association’s county-wide student art, essay, poetry, and rap contests. Vicinage Trial Court Administrator Kimberly Galligan will announce the winners of the photography contest. Attorney Stephen J. McCurrie, coordinator of the bar association’s mock trial, will announce the winners of the 2024 county mock trial competition.
Judge Jablonski will present the Liberty Bell Award to retired Hudson County Executive Thomas A. DeGise for his outstanding community service.
The Law Day celebration is sponsored in partnership with the Hudson County Bar Association and the Hudson County Bar Foundation.
Law Day was established in 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to celebrate our nation’s great heritage of liberty, justice, and equality under law.