News Release
Acting Administrative Director of the Courts
Office of Communications
Essex Vicinage to Hold Recovery Court Graduation
The Essex Vicinage will hold its recovery court graduation ceremony Wednesday, May 24 at 11 a.m., Assignment Judge Sheila Venable announced today.
Ten participants who have maintained recovery from drugs and alcohol will be honored at the event, the program’s seventh virtual ceremony. Graduates consist of early graduates who have successfully completed the program sooner than the prescribed time. They will attend in person.
Superior Court Judge Thomas A. Callahan, the vicinage’s recovery court judge, will preside. Graduates will share their experiences of strength and hope. Roger Williams, a recovery court graduate, will give the keynote address.
The ceremony will acknowledge the graduates’ accomplishments and will recognize the beginning of their journey. Families, friends, and loved ones will be able to support their graduate. Current recovery court participants will participate virtually.
The Judiciary’s recovery court program operates within the Superior Court to address nonviolent drug-addicted offenders. The program requires completion of several phases of intensive drug and alcohol treatment and recovery. This level of supervision permits the program to support the recovery process and allows the recovery court team to react quickly to impose appropriate therapeutic sanctions or to reinstate criminal proceedings when participants do not comply.
The vicinage’s recovery court program has more than 265 participants. Recovery court participants are expected to comply with all treatment recommendations, attend support meetings, gain employment, and pay fines.
The public can view the ceremony here under Essex.