News Release
Acting Administrative Director of the Courts
Office of Communications
Burlington Vicinage to Hold Law Day Celebration
The Burlington Vicinage, in partnership with the Burlington County Bar Association, will hold its Law Day celebration on Tuesday, May 2 at 9 a.m. at the Historic Olde Courthouse, 49 Rancocas Road, Mount Holly.
The national theme for Law Day is “The Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.”
Assignment Judge Jeanne T. Covert will read a proclamation designating May 2 as Law Day.
The Burlington County Bar Association will host a continuing legal education program: “Diversity in the Classroom: Towards a More Civil Society: Media Literacy and the First Amendment.” First Assistant Public Defender Kevin Walker will moderate the event. The panel includes Brett Bonfield, executive director of the New Jersey Library Association, and Olga Polites, leader of the New Jersey chapter of Media Literacy Now and retired Rowan University professor.
The bar association will hold its annual Law Day dinner on May 2 at the Medford Village Country Club at 5:30 p.m.
Students from Willingboro High School will be summoned to “jury duty” on Thursday, May 4 as part of the vicinage’s Law Day Program “Juror For A Day.” Vicinage Jury Manager Jawwaad Johnson will provide remarks about civic duty and privilege to serve on a jury, and vicinage law clerks will present a mock trial. The Association of Black Women Lawyers of New Jersey also will participate. Superior Court Judge Lisa James-Beavers and guests will moderate a discussion after the mock trial.
Fifth-grade students of Sacred Heart School in Mount Holly will participate in an art project with the vicinage, illustrating their understanding of the theme. The project will run from Monday, May 1 through Friday, May 5.
These events are cosponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and made possible with funding from the IOLTA Fund of the state bar foundation.
Law Day is a national event established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958 as “a day of national dedication to the principles of government under law.”