Order - NJ Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection - 2024 License Revocation List
Pursuant to Rule 1:28-2, the Trustees of the New Jersey Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection (Fund) have reported to the Supreme Court the names of attorneys who for the seventh or more consecutive year, including calendar year 2024 have neither made full payment to the Fund, the Disciplinary Oversight Committee, and the Lawyers Assistance Program, nor demonstrated that they are entitled to an exemption from making such payment;
And the Court having had sent notice to each such attorney that unless all reporting and financial obligations were fully satisfied on or before April 26, 2024, their name would be published in the New Jersey Law Journal together with an Order of the Court revoking their license to practice law in this State;
And notwithstanding the fact that every reasonable effort has been made by the Court to notify all attorneys of their obligations, unless exempt, to file an annual registration statement and make payment to the Fund, the attorneys whose names appear on the attached License-Revoked List have, as of the date of this Order, failed either to make full payment or to request and be granted an exemption by the Trustees for seven consecutive years;
IT IS ORDERED that pursuant to Rule 1:28-2(a), each attorney whose name appears on the attached list has had their existing ineligibility to practice law in New Jersey continued through the date of this Order; and it is further
ORDERED that pursuant to Rule 1:28-2(c), the license to practice law in New Jersey of each attorney whose name is included on the attached License-Revoked List is administratively revoked, effective June 24, 2024; and it is further
ORDERED that any attorney whose license has been revoked and who wishes to regain membership in the New Jersey Bar shall be required to meet all of the qualifications for admission under Rule 1:27-1, including passing the bar examination; and it is further
ORDERED that this Order and the attached list of attorneys are to be posted on the Judiciary's website and published in the New Jersey Law Journal no later than June 24, 2024, and that a copy of this Order be mailed to each attorney whose name appears on the attached list at their address of record; and it is further
ORDERED that any amendments or corrections to this Order shall be posted and published as soon as may be practicable.
Document Date: June 17, 2024
Publish Date: June 27, 2024