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Order – Judge Robert A. Fall – Further Short-Term Recall Extension

Order – Judge Robert A. Fall – Further Short-Term Recall Extension

It is ORDERE.D that, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:6A-13, Appellate Division Judge Robert A. Fall, retired on pension and having given his consent, is hereby continued on recall by the Supreme Court for an additional period, effective August 1, 2023 through September 30, 2023, for the limited specific purpose of concluding his assignment as special master in State v. Zingis, C-653-21, pursuant to the Court's July 27, 2022 Order; this further continues Judge Fall's recall service for this matter as previously extended by orders dated October 12, 2022; March 28, 2023; and May 8, 2023.

Document Date: July 12, 2023

Publish Date: July 14, 2023