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Notice/Order/Directive - Cybersecurity - Amendments to Rule 1:32-2A; Directive #11-23 ("Responding to Information Security Incidents, Including Compromised Attorney Accounts)

Notice/Order/Directive - Cybersecurity - Amendments to Rule 1:32-2A; Directive #11-23 ("Responding to Information Security Incidents, Including Compromised Attorney Accounts)

 The Supreme Court in the attached June 19, 2023 Order has amended Rule 1:32-2A (“Electronic Court Systems, Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures, Metadata”) to formalize the authority of the Administrative Director to implement measures to safeguard Judiciary information systems and the data contained in those systems.   

Attached Directive #11-23 (“Responding to Information Security Incidents, Including Compromised Attorney Accounts”) explains how the Judiciary protects its electronic systems, including what happens if an attorney or other court user’s account is compromised.  It details what steps will be taken to mitigate against risks while expeditiously restoring access to the affected account holder.  A user whose account has been compromised should contact the Superior Court Clerk’s Office at (609) 421-6100 for assistance.   

Questions about the Supreme Court’s June 19, 2023 Order or Directive #11-23 should be directed to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office at (609) 421-6100. 

Document Date: June 26, 2023

Publish Date: July 3, 2023