Notice and Order – Family – Transfer of Certain Dissolution (FM) Cases from the Mercer Vicinage to the Atlantic/Cape May, Burlington, and Middlesex Vicinages
Effective April 15, 2024, the Supreme CoUI1 has authorized the transfer of certain dissolution (FM) cases filed in the Mercer Vicinage.
New FM cases without a fully executed settlement agreement will be redirected to other Vicinages (Atlantic/Cape May, Burlington, and Middlesex) for handling through final disposition. Following disposition and the timeframe for an appeal, cases will be transferred back to the Mercer Vicinage for any future post-judgment motions. This temporary measure aims to allow the Mercer Vicinage to allocate resources to address pending cases while ensuring timely handling of new filings. The Court's April 2, 2024 Order is attached.
Notice in English and Spanish will be provided to all parties involved in a transferred case. Court proceedings for transferred cases will be conducted in a manner consistent with the Court's October 27, 2022 Order, with continued to judicial discretion to accommodate vi11ual or in-person participation as appropriate.
The Judiciary remains committed to providing quality customer service to the parties and attorneys involved in these cases and extends its appreciation to all involved in the Atlantic/Cape May, Burlington, and Middlesex Vicinages who will handle the transferred cases.
Questions about this notice should be directed to the Family Practice
Division of the Administrative Office of the Courts at (609).815-2900, ext. 53350 .
Document Date: April 3, 2024
Publish Date: April 4, 2024