Directive #18-23 - Criminal Justice Reform - Promulgation of Revised Protocol for Responding to Emergent Pretrial Release Electronic Monitoring Alerts (Supersedes Directive #15-19)
This Directive supersedes Directive # 15-19 and promulgates a revised protocol for the expedited process Judiciary staff must follow when an emergent electronic monitoring (EM) alert is received. Effective immediately, Pretrial Services Program (PSP) staff no longer are required to seek an emergent bench warrant in response to an emergent EM alert. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:29-9, a violation of a home detention order, with or without electronic monitoring, is a standalone chargeable crime or offense enforceable by law enforcement. Accordingly, a bench warrant is no longer required to effect the arrest of a defendant who is in violation of those conditions.
If Pretrial Services Program (PSP) staff1 receives one or more of the four types of emergent EM alerts2, they must immediately execute the steps set forth in the attached revised Protocol.
Document Date: Oct. 10, 2023
Publish Date: Oct. 12, 2023