What are the roles of counsel and litigants in mediation?
The goal of mediation is to reach an amicable resolution. Attorneys and parties are required to make a good faith effort to cooperate with the mediator and engage in constructive dialogue toward this end. Attorneys should prepare their clients prior to mediation by explaining what will happen, and particularly what the roles of both attorneys and clients are. They should also agree on who will be the principal spokesperson in presenting the party's view early in the mediation session. Throughout the process, attorneys act as advocates for their clients' interests. For example, attorneys may make brief opening summaries of the issues as they see them, but clients should also be given an opportunity to speak. In mediation, understanding is often promoted when the parties explain their positions directly to each other. When it comes to discussing terms of settlement, the litigants must play an active part, for it is their case and their settlement. During this process, attorneys should provide counsel on the advisability of settlement options, suggest options and be available for any further consultation with their clients.