Do I have to take the oral interpreter exam when I have received an appointment letter?
Yes! This is a professional exam and applicants are required to take it when theyare scheduled. If you do not confirm your test appointment, we will assume you are no longer interested in taking the test and you will be issued a refund (less the $25 administrative fee). Furthermore, if you do not confirm your appointment by the deadline indicated in the appointment letter, your slot will be given to someone else and your fee will be refunded (less the $25 administrative fee). If you confirm your appointment but are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, please send an e-mail stating whether you would like to be rescheduled or if you’d like your full fee refunded. Please note that you can only reschedule once. After that you will be issued a full refund and you must resend your application and fee. If you do not contact Language Services and are a “no show” for your exam, we will assume you are no longer interested, shred your application, and issue a refund (less the $25 administrative fee).