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New Jersey State Grand Jury

State Grand Jury is a statewide program with jurors summoned from every county in New Jersey. If you are selected as a grand juror, you will serve one day a week for 16 to 20 weeks. State Grand Jury is managed by the Mercer County Jury Management Office.


Complete the required questionnaire promptly.

Once you receive your State Grand Jury summons, you MUST complete the qualification questionnaire at least 30 days prior to your reporting date.

Enter the 10-digit Participant ID number shown under the barcode (Not the Juror Number) of your summons, and your mailing address zip code listed on the summons.
Through this questionnaire, you can request to be disqualified, excused, or rescheduled (deferred).
Once you have entered all your answers, you must select "Confirm," or your information will not be received and correctly processed.
If you are submitting the qualification questionnaire by mail, please make sure to include your email address and contact phone number in the required fields on the form.


If you are requesting to be disqualified, excused, or rescheduled, you can send supporting documentation to , or mail it to the

Mercer County Civil Courthouse
175 South Broad Street
Floor 2
Trenton, New Jersey 08650-0068

Documentation must be received by the jury management office at least 30 days prior to your summons date.

State grand jurors are currently selected virtually using the following process:

Step 1 - Jury summonses are mailed to potential state grand jurors. Jurors must complete the qualification questionnaire. Those who do not promptly respond online will be sent a questionnaire in the mail.

Step 2 - About one month prior to the service date, only 100 potential jurors will be selected to appear from all those who responded and were qualified to serve. An email will be sent to all qualified jurors informing them whether they have been selected and must appear, or they were not selected and are excused.

Step 3 - The Mercer County Jury Management Office will email jurors Zoom instructions prior to the appearance date.

Step 4 - The Mercer County Jury Management Office will email jurors a Zoom invitation link for virtual jury selection the day before the appearance date.

 If you have questions and would like to speak with someone by phone, you can call   609-571-4200 ext. 74375  or send an email to .