Use the evidence submission tool to upload trial exhibits and evidence for court review.
On This Page
Upload your trial exhibits and evidence here. The system is available 24/7. Submissions will be reviewed by the courts on weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except court holidays and recesses.
Users who have not yet registered to use New Jersey Courts case systems must do so before submitting evidence: Register now.
If you already have a user ID and password to access this system, eCourts, Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS), or Municipal Case Resolution, use the same login information. Attorneys must use their attorney bar ID and password: Log in now.
Submit evidence for these case types only:
Court/Division | Docket Type | County |
Special Civil Part | DC, LT, SC | All counties |
Civil Part | L | All counties |
General Equity/Chancery | F, C | All counties |
Family | FC, FF, FG, FJ, FL, FM, FN, FO | All counties |
Criminal | All counties |
What you'll need:
- Use a computer or laptop. Evidence cannot be submitted with a mobile device.
- Electronic copies of all files.
Quick Reference Guides
- Add evidence submission access
- Submit a new evidence list
- Review submitted evidence list or add additional files to an existing evidence list
Q. I get a blue "PEGA" screen asking me to log in again.
If you are receiving this message, please clear the cache (browsing history and cookies) in your browser. Then close your browser and reopen it to try again. You may also try using a different browser when you get this message which is compatible with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
To clear the cache in Microsoft Edge.
To clear the cache in Chrome.
To clear the cache in Internet Explorer.
To clear the cache in Safari.Q. I have questions about what I should submit, where I should submit it, or a question about a previous submission.
Contact your local ombudsman or local county court for assistance.
Q. I get an "unauthorized" message after logging in.
If you are receiving this message, please clear the cache (browsing history and cookies) in your browser. Then close your browser and reopen it to try again. You may also try using a different browser when you get this message. NJ Courts applications are compatible with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
Q. I registered with NJ Courts but did not receive an activation email.
Please check your email after a few minutes and be sure to check your junk/spam folder for the activation email. You can also request a new activation email.
Q. I have followed these suggestions and am still unable to resolve my JEDS technical issue.
For technical issues with JEDS, call the
help desk at
You can also send an e-mail including the technical issues you are experiencing to- The document cannot be encrypted and/or password protected.
- The file name and document description cannot be longer than 56 characters, including spaces and cannot contain any special characters. (e.g.: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; “ ‘ < , > . ? /)
- The file size cannot exceed 512 MB.
- The file must be in one of the following formats - .avi, .mpg, .mp3, .mp4, .pdf, .docx, .jpg, .gif and .png.
Q. I am unable to upload a file into the Electronic Evidence Submission System
Q. How can I remove trial exhibit/proposed evidence I submitted?
Evidence submission does not allow users to delete files.
Q. I have followed these suggestions and am still unable to resolve my electronic evidence technical issue.
For technical issues with Evidence Submission, call the
Q. ‘Create New List’ is not displaying on the home screen.
‘Create New List’ is not available when accessing Evidence Submission from a device with a mobile operating system. The application is only compatible with a computer or laptop at this time.