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Data Reports for Sale

The public can buy Judiciary access reports containing case data.



Some Judicial public access reports are generated daily, while others are produced weekly or monthly. Each public access report includes:

  1. General description of it 
  2. A list and description of each data field
  3. Length of each data field

The Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.) does not apply to the NJ Judiciary. Public records requests made to the NJ Judiciary are governed by NJ Court  Rule 1:38

Attorney Information - Centralized Attorney Management System (CAMS)

The Central Attorney Management System (CAMS) contains a list of all active NJ attorneys. The list is updated twice yearly after the Bar Exam results are recorded. 

Bail Reports 

The Bail Registry List is a list of persons authorized in NJ to write bail. NJ bail reports are produced from the Centralized Automated Bail System (CABS), which contains all bail written for criminal cases. The Clerk of the Superior Court maintains the bail registry (N.J.S.A. 17:31-13), and a monthly report for bail data statewide is recorded.

Civil Reports (Superior Court)

The NJ Superior Court uses the Automated Case Management System (ACMS) to index and docket Law Division - Civil, Special Civil Part cases, Chancery - General Equity, and Foreclosure cases. ACMS archives cases that have been closed for 18 months and keeps the active cases. The limited archived case information is moved to the Archive Management Information System (AMIS). 

Criminal Reports (Superior Court) 

The Promis Gavel (PG) system contains all Superior Court criminal cases dating back to 1980.

Judgment (Statewide Lien) Reports 

The Civil Judgment and Order Docket (CJOD) contains a list of NJ statewide lien reports. Judgments are recorded as statewide liens upon request of the judgment creditor. Most Judgments expire after 20 - 21 years. There are two reports that provide judgment information. 

Municipal Court Reports 

The municipal courts in NJ are responsible for: 

  • motor vehicle and parking tickets
  • minor criminal - type offenses (e.g., simple assault and bad checks)
  • municipal ordinance offenses (e.g., dog barking or building code violations)
  • other offenses, (e.g., fish and game violations)

A municipal court usually has jurisdiction only over cases that occur within the boundaries of its municipality. Serious criminal cases, such as robbery, auto theft, or assault, start out as complaints filed in the municipal court and then may be transferred to the Superior Court.

Automated Complaint System (ACS)

Automated Traffic System (ATS)

Tax Court Reports

Tax Court judges hear appeals of tax decisions made by county boards of taxation. They also hear appeals on such matters as state income, sales and business taxes, and homestead rebates. The Director of the Division of Taxation then makes decisions. The Tax Court produces a report containing a list of judgments issued.

Customer Service

For information on how to obtain copies of individual court records, please contact Customer Services at  609-421-6100