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Find Supreme Court appeal cases here. The most recent cases are listed first. You can also use the search tool to find a specific case.


The following statements of issues on appeal are prepared by the Office of the Clerk for the convenience of the reader. They have been neither reviewed nor approved by the Supreme Court. Please note that, in the interest of brevity, some issues may not have been summarized.

Beginning on July 16, 2010, each appeal summary posted on this website includes its "posted" date, which is necessary for calculating certain due dates for filing briefs and motions under revised Rule 1:13-9, "Amicus Curiae."

In addition, website addresses cited in the Court's opinions may change or disappear over time. An attempt has been made to capture the material cited in an opinion and to provide links to those sources, when available.

A-101/106-11 Lorraine Gormley v. Latanya Wood-El (069717)

Are defendants entitled to qualified immunity in this case alleging violation of a constitutional right to substantive due process for failing to protect plaintiff while she was providing legal services to her involuntarily-committed client?

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  • Leave to appeal granted : March 22, 2012
  • Posted: April 3, 2012
  • Leave to cross-appeal granted : April 12, 2012
  • Posted (cross-appeal) : April 18, 2012
  • Argued: Nov. 4, 2013
  • Decided: June 30, 2014

A-101-11 Lorraine Gormley v. Latanya Wood-El (069717)

  • Posted: April 3, 2012
  • Decided: June 30, 2014

A-94-11 George C. Riley v. State Parole Board (069327)

Is the retroactive application of the Sex Offender Monitoring Act, N.J.S.A. 30:4-123.89 to -123.95, to persons who committed offenses before its enactment unconstitutional?

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  • Appeal as of right (Appellate Division dissent)
  • certification granted : March 14, 2012
  • Posted: March 16, 2012
  • Argued: Jan. 7, 2014
  • Decided: Sept. 22, 2014

A-85-11 State v. Angelina Nicole Carlucci (069183)

Were defendant's statements about her recent drug use, which were made before being informed of her Miranda rights in response to questioning by an investigating officer about drugs found at the defendant's place of employment, admissible?

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  • Certification granted : Feb. 2, 2012
  • Posted: Feb. 6, 2012
  • Argued: Jan. 3, 2013
  • Decided: March 13, 2014

A-71-11 James P. Renner v. AT&T (068744)

Does the record support this workers' compensation claim under N.J.S.A. 34:2015-7.2, which sets the standard of proof governing claims based on injury or death from cardiovascular causes?

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  • Certification granted : Feb. 14, 2012
  • Posted: Feb. 14, 2012
  • Argued: Jan. 6, 2014
  • Decided: July 30, 2014

A-67-11 State v. Jarrett Parker (068966)

Did the prosecutor's references to defendant's prior use of aliases to impeach his credibility deprive defendant of a fair trial?

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  • Certification granted : Jan. 19, 2012
  • Posted: Jan. 24, 2012
  • Argued: Nov. 28, 2012
  • Decided: Jan. 15, 2014

A-31-11 Amratlal C. Bhagat v. Bharat A. Bhagat (068213)

In these circumstances involving a transfer of stock in a family business from father to son, was the standard for summary judgment properly applied to determine that, due to the high burden of proof needed to overcome the presumption that such a transfer is a gift, no rational factfinder could find that this was a conditional transfer instead of a gift?

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  • Certification granted : Nov. 4, 2011
  • Posted: Nov. 7, 2011
  • Argued: Feb. 27, 2013
  • Decided: Jan. 30, 2014

A-22-09 State v. T.M (64396)

Is the defendant, the live-in boyfriend of the child-victim's mother, a "person legally charged with the care and custody" of the child and therefore guilty of first-degree endangering in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4b(3)?

  • Certification granted : Sept. 11, 2009
  • Order Dismissed Improvidently Granted – filed : Jan. 15, 2014