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Bruce M Pitman - Mediators For Economic Aspects Of Family Law Cases

Bruce M Pitman
  • Contact:
    Starr, Gern, Davison & Rubin, P.C.
    105 Eisenhower Parkway
    4th Floor
    Roseland, NJ 07068
    Phone Number:
    Fax Number:
    (973) 226-0031
  • Locations:
    Union, Morris, Essex
  • Qualifications:
    Qualified Mentor
  • Hourly Rate:
    Hourly Rate:
  • Description:

    For 35 years, I have practiced exclusively in Family Law. I have litigated and tried to a conclusion many divorce actions, including issues of custody determnation, parenting issues, alimony and a wide variety of equitable distribution issues including business and property valuations. I have been an Early Settlement Panelist in Union and Morris counties for many years.
