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Model Criminal Jury Charges

Charge Title
2C Charges
2C:2-6 Criminal Liability for Another's Conduct/Complicity - No Lesser - Includes 2C:2-6 Word PDF
2C:2-6 Criminal Liability for Another's Conduct/Complicity - Lesser - Includes 2C:2-6 Word PDF
2C:2-6 Defense of Property Word PDF
2C:2-6b(4) Conspiracy - Vicarious Liability Word PDF
2C:2-6c(1)(c) Criminal Liability for Another's Conduct/Accomplice - Legal Duty 2C:2-6c(1)(c) Word PDF
2C:2-8 Intoxication Negating an Element of the offense Word PDF
2C:2-8b Effect of Intoxication on Jury's Consideration of Lesser Offenses Involving Recklessness Word PDF
2C:2-8d Intoxication Pathological or not Self-Induced Word PDF
2C:2-9 Duress Word PDF
2C:20-1.1 Forgery (Theft of Access Device) Word PDF
2C:20-10b / 2C:20-10c Unlawful Taking of a Means of Conveyance- Motor Vehicle Operator Word PDF
2C:20-10d Unlawful Taking of a Means of Conveyance Motor Vehicle Passenger Word PDF
2C:20-11b(1) Shoplifting [Carrying Away] Word PDF
2C:20-11b(2) Shoplifting [Concealment] Word PDF
2C:20-11b(3) Shoplifting [Altering/Removing Labels/Tags] Word PDF
2C:20-11b(4) Shoplifting [Transferring Merchandise] Word PDF
2C:20-11b(5) Shoplifting [Under-Ringing] Word PDF
2C:20-11b(6) Shoplifting [Removing Shopping Cart(s)] Word PDF
2C:20-25a Computer Criminal Activity- Access Word PDF
2C:20-25b Computer Criminal Activity- Alters Word PDF