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Supreme Court Appeal

Case Details:

In this matter concerning plans for the construction of a compressor station in the Highlands preservation area, should a company that was granted an exemption from the provisions and regulations of the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection be allowed to intervene in an appeal of that agency decision?

Case Dates:

  • Leave to appeal granted: Feb. 11, 2022
  • Posted: Feb. 15, 2022
  • Argued: March 29, 2022
  • Decided: April 11, 2022

Case Notes:

[Note: This matter has been accelerated by order of the Court, and a peremptory briefing schedule is imposed. Any motion for leave to appear as amicus curiae shall be served and filed with the proposed amicus brief on or before 2/25/2022. Such filings should be submitted to the Clerk’s Office through eCourts Supreme. For information about submitting an amicus filing, please call the Clerk’s Office at 609-815-2955. No further submissions shall be accepted unless requested by the Court.]

Audio for A-44-21