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Supreme Court Appeal

Case Details:

In this criminal justice reform matter, did the trial court abuse its discretion in denying defendant’s request to call certain police officers as “adverse witnesses” at the pretrial detention hearing?

Case Dates:

  • Leave to Appeal Granted: Dec. 7, 2017
  • Posted: Dec. 7, 2017
  • Argued: March 12, 2018
  • Decided: June 14, 2018

Case Notes:

[Note: This appeal has been accelerated by order of the Court, and will be calendared for oral argument on the Court’s session of March 12-13, 2018. Should any entity wish to file a motion to participate as amicus curiae, the motion and any proposed brief must be served and filed on or before noon on 01/08/2018. The State and the defendant may file answers to any such amicus motion, together with a proposed response brief to the amicus brief, on or before noon on 02/05/2018. All dates are final. No further submissions shall be accepted unless requested by the Court.]