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Pro Hac Vice

Pro Hac Vice Motions

Pro Hac Vice appearances are governed by R.1:21-2. Attached is a list of provisions which Judge Longhi requires in the order. It covers everything required in the rules and contains some other provisions he has found very useful. Please use it for the motions you grant.


  • [Admitted attorney] shall abide by the New Jersey Court Rules including all disciplinary rules, R. 1:20-1 and R. 1:28-2;
  • [Admitted attorney] shall consent to the appointment of the Clerk of the Supreme Court as an agent upon whom service of process may be made for all actions against his firm that may arise out of his participation in this matter;
  • [Admitted attorney] shall notify the Court immediately of any matter affecting his standing at the bar of any other Court;
  • [Admitted attorney] shall have all pleadings, briefs and other papers filed with the Court signed by an attorney of record authorized to practice in this State, who shall be held responsible for them, the conduct of the cause and the admitted attorney herein;
  • [Admitted attorney] cannot be designated as trial counsel;
  • No delay in discovery, motions, trial, or any other proceeding shall occur or be requested by reason of the inability of [Admitted attorney] to be in attendance;
  • [Admitted attorney] must, within 10 days, pay the fees required by R. 1:20-1(b) and R. 1:28-2 and submit affidavits of compliance;
  • Automatic termination of Pro Hac Vice admission will occur for failure to make the required annual payment to the Ethics Financial Committee and the New Jersey Lawyer’s Fund for Client Protection. Proof of such payment, after filing proof of the initial payment shall be made no later than February of each year
  • Noncompliance with any of these requirements shall constitute grounds for removal;
  • A copy of this order shall be served on all parties within seven (7) days.