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Municipal Court

Municipal Court Services develops and implements policies and best practices to support New Jersey's municipal courts. 


Visit our Self-Help Center if you're representing yourself in court.

Contact Information

Deidra Barlow, Assistant Director, Municipal Court Services Division
609-815-2900 ext. 54850

The following NJ statewide directories are available: 

Online Tools

The Judiciary has several online tools that allow court users to conveniently view and often manage or resolve municipal court cases.

NJMCDirect is a fast, secure, and convenient way to plead guilty and pay traffic tickets or other Municipal Court complaints, make payments on installment plans, enter a not guilty plea, and request a plea agreement from a municipal prosecutor (for certain charges).

Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS) can be used to upload documents related to a municipal court case, request court records, and request a new court date. 

Municipal Court Case Search allows court users to find a ticket or complaint number. 

The Violations Bureau Schedule shows payable amounts for common traffic violations where a court appearance isn't required.

Refer to the Recently Enacted Laws Concerning the Municipal Courts for legislation affecting NJ municipal courts. 

A collection of Municipal Court Case Law dating back to 1964 is also available.


Find the forms used most often in NJ municipal court

Information for Litigants

NJ municipal courts resolve almost 6 million cases each year. If you have an upcoming court date, there are several ways that you can prepare.

At the beginning of the court session, the municipal judge will give an opening statement that will explain what will happen during the proceeding. Watch this video of a typical opening statement to better plan for your court proceeding. The video is also available in:

Watch this video to learn how to participate online (and the dos/don'ts) if your municipal court proceeding will be held remotely.

Requesting Court Accommodations

Requesting Interpreter

The court will provide an interpreter at no cost for court events if a defendant or witness has limited ability to understand or communicate proficiently in English. Contact the local municipal court.

¿Necesita un intérprete? Llame al juzgado municipal.

You have the right to an interpreter in court. Usted tiene derecho a un intérprete en el Juzgado Municipal.

Requesting Court Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations

If you need an ADA accommodation, contact the municipal court for accommodations at no cost.

Review the Your Day in Municipal Court brochure and the ways that court staff can(not) help litigants in court.

If you are facing certain more serious charges, you might qualify for a public defender. Refer to the Indigency Income Guidelines below: 

Household SizeOneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEight
Annual Gross
Monthly Gross
Weekly Gross

If you meet the guidelines. you can complete the Financial Questionnaire to Establish Indigency. The questionnaire is also available in

Check the unscheduled municipal court closings before you leave for court. They'll tell you if the court session was cancelled for bad weather or some other issue.

Municipal Court Administration

Look for job openings in the NJ municipal courts. Review Court Rule 1:34-3 and N.J. Statute 2B:12-11 for information about the municipal court administrator hiring process.

Review the Municipal Court Consolidation Plan to learn more about how municipalities can save money by consolidating their court services.

The Supreme Court Procedures Governing the Private Collection of Municipal Court Debt guides when and how municipal courts can send outstanding municipal court debts to private collection agencies after all other enforcement remedies have been exhausted.

Municipal Court Judges

Attorneys who are NJ residents and have practiced law for at least 5 years may be appointed to three-year terms as municipal court judges by the mayor, with the advice and consent of the council, or in some cases the governing body. In joint municipal courts, which are courts serving more than one municipality, the appointment is made by the NJ Governor with the advice and consent of the State Senate.

NJ municipal court judges don't have tenure and aren't subject to a mandatory retirement age, characteristics which distinguish them from other judges in the Judiciary. Many of NJ municipal court judges serve only part-time and, thus, are able to maintain private law practices, subject to the Rules of Court.

Municipal Court Administrators

All NJ municipal court leaders must take training and pass tests covering municipal court procedures and management in order to earn and maintain a credential of either accreditation or certification. These leaders include administrators, deputy administrators, and directors. The training and credentialing help make sure that NJ municipal court leaders are qualified, professional, and held to the highest ethical standards. The training and credentialing is overseen by the Municipal Court Administrator Certification Board (Board Regulations).

The Board also is responsible for the discipline of credential holders: any individual who holds the credential of certification, conditional accreditation, or full accreditation. 

Board members include:

  • Assignment Judge Stuart A. Minkowitz, Chair
  • Assistant Director Deidra L. Barlow, Vice-Chair
  • Presiding Judge John F. Meola
  • Trial Court Administrator Gurpreet M. Singh
  • Municipal Division Manager Taiwan Lamb-Davis
  • Kimberly Locker, EEO/AA Officer
  • Certified Municipal Court Administrators – Jennifer Esposito, Claudia Santos, Tracey Horan (MCAANJ designee) and Cynthia Holmes

Send Certification-related questions to

Upcoming 2025 testing dates for the Municipal Court Administrator Certification Program.

All examinees must be confirmed in advance.

Written Exam Dates:
May 16, 2025
Nov. 14, 2025


Oral Exam Dates:
June 13, 2025
Dec. 12, 2025



(First-time applicants):$25 application fee plus $75 examination fee
(Oral/Written Exam Re-takers):$25 re-examination fee