Message for Morris County Petit Jurors and Grand Jurors.
Please read the entire message carefully.
Jury Management office hours are Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. We will respond to any and all messages within 24 business hours.
In the event of court closings, all jurors should call 862-397-5700 / 862-397-5621 or visit our website at
If you have completed the juror qualification questionnaire and watched the online orientation, specific reporting instructions will be emailed to you the evening before your summons date. Please read the email and the attachments thoroughly. Check your spam or junk folder in the event it was diverted there.
All jurors scheduled for Thursday, March 27, 2025, with a juror order number between 00006 through and including 00325 must report onsite. Reporting instructions have been emailed to you. Jurors who did not submit and confirm their questionnaire at least four (4) days prior to jury service will not receive reporting information and therefore, must contact the Jury Management office for assistance at
Grand Jurors: Please follow the instructions sent to you directly by the Jury Management office via email.
The New Jersey Judiciary does not and has never asked for juror’s banking information or social security numbers over the phone, by email, or in person. Court officials will never ask for payment to avoid arrest for failure to report for jury duty. Anyone who has concerns about being approached inappropriately concerning jury duty should contact the county jury manager as well as local law enforcement.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at
Thank you for your service.
Message from Assignment Judge Stuart A. Minkowitz
Welcome to jury duty. Jurors serve an indispensable function in civil and criminal trials. The jury system in this country is constitutionally mandated and serves to protect and promote the rights of civil litigants and criminal defendants. Thank you for serving.
Health and Safety
If you feel sick, do not report to the courthouse. Instead, contact your local jury management office to reschedule your service.
Voluntary Demographic Information
The juror questionnaire includes three voluntary demographic questions. This information helps the Judiciary understand the diversity and representativeness of jury pools. Your responses to these questions are optional and will not affect your selection.
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy
Advise the Jury Management Office if you require an accommodation in order to serve. You can reach the Jury Management Office by phone at
or by email at .
Juror Parking Directions
Entrance to the Court House is located on Court Street, directly across from the Morris County Administration and Records Building.
Parking for Morris County Court House - JURORS ONLY
- Free parking for jurors is provided in the garage at the Headquarters Hyatt Hotel on Speedwell Avenue (Route 202 North). This is the only parking garage that we pay for. Please bring your parking ticket with you to the Jury Office for validation. If you choose to park in another garage you are responsible to pay for your parking.
- Please do not park your car at a meter. Jurors will not be permitted to leave the courtroom to replenish the meter and we are unable to reimburse you if you get a parking ticket
- A one way Sheriff’s shuttle bus service is available to jurors in the morning only. Pick-up is between 8:00-8:15 a.m. in front of the movie theater on Speedwell Avenue. It does not return jurors to the garage in the afternoon.
Parking for Morris County Court House - COURT USERS
Metered parking available closest to the Court House is located on Ann Street, Cattano Avenue, Western Avenue and Schuyler Place. Parking garage entrances closest to the Court House are located on Cattano Avenue and Schuyler Place (Ann Bank Garage).
Dress Code
Jurors reporting for service should wear clothing appropriate for an appearance in court. Shorts, t-shirts, uniforms or clothing containing statements or offensive symbols are not permitted. All hats must be removed when in a courtroom. Comfortable clothing is also advisable.
Courtroom Regulations
- Cell phones, pagers and electronic devices must be turned off in the courtroom.
- You are not permitted to read newspapers or other materials in the courtroom.
- You are not permitted to bring food or beverages into the courtroom.
If You Are Selected As A Juror
- The trial judge will instruct you regarding the trial schedule, reporting times, any recesses, lunch arrangements, etc.
- The judge's instructions will take precedence over any general instructions given in the assembly area.
- You must wear your juror badge at all times, including during lunch.
Other Factors Relating To Your Juror Service
- The daily fee for petit jurors is $5 for the first 3 days and $40 for each day after 3 days.
- The daily fee for grand jurors is $5 for each day of service.
- Checks are processed on Friday.
- Your juror check will generally be received within 3 weeks.
- Check with your employer or your union representative, or read your employee handbook if you have questions about whether you will be compensated by your employer while serving as a juror.
Employment Protection
Be aware that N.J.S.A. 2B:20-17 protects jurors from employment related retaliation and provides for the possibility of both criminal and civil sanctions.
Term of Service
Petit jurors are summoned for a minimum of one day or one full trial. As such, jurors who are not selected to serve on a trial by the end of the day, will have completed their jury service.
If you are sent to a courtroom and the jury selection process continues beyond your one day, you will have to return until the judge excuses you from serving as a juror on that trial.
Those who are selected for trials, finish their service at the conclusion of the trial. Trials vary in length. Some trials proceed for just one day and others last longer. The trial judge will provide an estimate regarding the length of the trial at the beginning of jury selection. Once your service is completed, you will not be eligible to be selected again for 3 years.
Smoking Policy
The courthouse is a non-smoking facility. If you leave the courthouse to smoke, you must inform jury staff so that we are aware of your location at all times.
Failure to Report
Individuals who fail to respond to a jury summons or fail to report when summoned may be subject to penalties including fines. If you have forgotten to appear as scheduled for jury service, please contact the Jury Management Office immediately at
The New Jersey Judiciary does not and has never asked for personal identifiers over the phone, by email, or in person. Court officials will never ask for payment to avoid arrest for failure to report for jury duty. Anyone who has concerns about being approached inappropriately concerning jury duty should contact the county jury manager as well as local law enforcement.