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Model Civil Jury Charges System

Learn more about Model Civil Jury Charges.

Charge Title
Medical Negligence
5.50E Pre-Existing Condition — Increased Risk/Loss of Chance — Proximate Cause Word PDF
5.50F Wrongful Birth and Life Word PDF
5.50G Medical Judgment Word PDF
5.50H Alteration Of Medical Records Word PDF
5.50I Fraudulent Concealment Of Medical Records Word PDF
Charge Title
Attorney Negligence
5.51A Legal  Malpractice Word PDF
5.51B Proximate Cause - Inadequate or Incomplete Legal Advice Word PDF
Charge Title
Other Professional Negligence
5.52 Professional Liability Of An Architect/ Engineer Word PDF
Charge Title
5.60A Statutory Owner ‑ Dog Bite Liability (N.J.S.A. 4:19‑16) Word PDF
5.60B Animal With Vicious Or Dangerous Trait Or Propensity (Other Than An Owner Dog Bite Case) Word PDF
Charge Title
Other Negligence Actions
5.70 Parental Supervision — Unemancipated Child For Personal Injuries Word PDF
5.71 Tavern Keepers Serving Minors And Intoxicated Persons Word PDF
5.72 Proprietor's Duty Of Care To Patrons Against Criminal Activity Of Third Persons Word PDF
5.73 Common Carrier for Hire Word PDF
5.74 Duty Of Teachers And School Personnel To Student Word PDF
5.75 Nuisance Word PDF
5.76 Negligent Hiring Word PDF
5.77 Violations of Nursing Home Statutes or Regulations – Negligence and Violations of Nursing Home Residents’ Rights Claims Word PDF
Charge Title
Proximate Cause
6.10 Proximate Cause — General Charge Word PDF
6.11 Proximate Cause — Routine Tort Where No Issues Of Concurrent Or Intervening Causes, Or Foreseeability Of Injury Or Harm Word PDF