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Notice – New Attorney Advertising Guideline 4 – Legal Assistance Organizations and Retention of Posted Website Materials

Notice – New Attorney Advertising Guideline 4 – Legal Assistance Organizations and Retention of Posted Website Materials

On the recommendation of the Committee on Attorney Advertising, the Supreme Court has approved the attached new Attorney Advertising Guideline 4, regarding legal assistance organizations retaining backups of materials posted on their websites, effective immediately. The Attorney Advertising Guidelines immediately follow the Rules of Professional Conduct ( after the Part I rules) in the Rules of Court .

Attorney Advertising Guideline 4

Legal Assistance Organizations and Retention of Posted Website Materials.

Rule of Professional Conduct 7 .2(b ), requiring lawyers to "capture all material on their websites, in the form of an electronic or paper backup, including all new content, on at least a monthly basis, and retain this
information for three years," does not apply to legal assistance organizations that are approved pursuant to Rule 1 :21-11 (b ). However, legal assistance organizations should make reasonable efforts to maintain
a backup of material on their websites.

Note: Adopted February 28, 2023 to be effective immediately.


Document Date: Feb. 28, 2023

Publish Date: March 2, 2023