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Judges Contact Directory

Name Address Contact
General Equity Presiding Judges
Mega, Robert J.
General Equity Presiding Judge, Chair
Union County Courthouse
2 Broad Street
Suite/Room New Annex, Floor 1
Elizabeth, New Jersey 07207
Phone: 908-787-1650 ext. 21562
General Equity Presiding Judges
Schweitzer, Sherri L.
General Equity Presiding Judge, Chair
Camden County Hall of Justice
101 South 5th Street
Floor 6
Camden, New Jersey 08103
Phone: 856-650-9100 ext. 43928
General Equity Presiding Judges
Sheppard, M. Susan
General Equity Presiding Judge, Chair
Atlantic/Cape May
Atlantic County Civil Courts Building
1201 Bacharach Blvd.
Floor 3
Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401
Phone: 609-402-0100 ext. 47582
General Equity Presiding Judges
Suh, Haekyoung
General Equity Presiding Judge
Hunterdon County Justice Center
65 Park Avenue
Floor 3
Flemington, New Jersey 08822
Phone: 908-824-9750 ext. 13190
General Equity Presiding Judges
Vignuolo, Lisa M.
General Equity Presiding Judge
Middlesex County Courthouse
PO Box 964
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903-0964
Phone: 732-645-4300 ext. 88242
General Equity Presiding Judges
Cunningham, Therese A.
General Equity Presiding Judge
206 Courthouse Lane
206 Courthouse Lane
Suite/Room Courtroom 25, Floor 1
Toms River, New Jersey 08754
Phone: 732-504-0700 ext. 64260
Municipal Presiding Judges
Boylan, Karen R.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Hudson County Administration Bldg
595 Newark Avenue
Jersey City, New Jersey 07306
Phone: 201-748-4400 ext. 60550
Municipal Presiding Judges
Cole, Chandra R.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Essex County Veterans Courthouse
50 West Market Street
Floor 5
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Municipal Presiding Judges
Corbett, Cassandra
Municipal Presiding Judge
Albender Building
1143 East Jersey St
Floor 2
Elizabeth, New Jersey 07201
Phone: 908-787-1650 ext. 21850
Municipal Presiding Judges
Gallina, Anthony N.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Bergen County Justice Center
10 Main Street
Suite/Room 309
Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Phone: 201-221-0700 ext. 25093
Municipal Presiding Judges
George, Harold W.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Mercer County Annex - 209
209 S. Broad Street
Floor 4
Trenton, New Jersey 08650
Phone: 609-571-4200 ext. 74010
Municipal Presiding Judges
Gluck, James J.
Municipal Presiding Judge
213 Washington St
213 Washington St
Floor 3
Toms River, New Jersey 08753
Phone: 732-504-0700 ext. 64040
Municipal Presiding Judges
Heitmann, Christine M.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Court Administration
PO Box 964
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
Phone: 732-645-4300 ext. 88836
Municipal Presiding Judges
Herman, Brian K.
Municipal Presiding Judges
Camden Probation - Building 6
6 Executive Campus Route 70
Suite/Room 300
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002
Phone: 856-650-9100 ext. 43130
Municipal Presiding Judges
Lange Jr. , Peter C.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Burlington County Court Facility
49 Rancocas Road
Floor 4
Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060
Phone: 609-288-9500 ext. 38045
Municipal Presiding Judges
Meola, John F.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Passaic County Courthouse
77 Hamilton Street
Suite/Room 118, Floor 1
Paterson, New Jersey 07505
Phone: 973-653-2910 ext. 24070
Municipal Presiding Judges
Newman, James M.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Monmouth County Courthouse
71 Monument Street
Floor 3
Freehold, New Jersey 07728
Phone: 732-358-8700 ext. 87245
Municipal Presiding Judges
North, Thomas M.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Municipal Division Office
19 North Broad St.
Woodbury, New Jersey 08096
Phone: 856-878-5050 ext. 15290
Municipal Presiding Judges
Shamey, Gerard J.
Municipal Presiding Judge
40 North Bridge Street
40 North Bridge Street
Floor 1
Somerville, New Jersey 08876
Phone: 908-332-7700 ext. 13230
Municipal Presiding Judges
Warner, Henry
Municipal Presiding Judge
Atlantic/Cape May
Atlantic County Criminal Courts Complex
4997 Unami Blvd.
Mays Landing, New Jersey 08330
Phone: 609-402-0100 ext. 47290
Municipal Presiding Judges
Wubbenhorst, Andrew M.
Municipal Presiding Judge
Morris County Courthouse
Washington and Court Streets
Morristown, New Jersey 07960-0910
Total results: 446