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New Jersey Supreme Court Webcast

Next webcast is scheduled for Monday, March 31, 2025 and Tuesday, April 1, 2025.

March 31, 2025

10 a.m.
A-33-24 In the Matter of Protest Filed by El Sol Contracting and Construction Corp., Contract T100.638 (090076)

Was the New Jersey Turnpike Authority’s rejection of El Sol Contracting and Construction Corp.’s bid, on the basis that the consent of surety (COS) was not submitted with a power of attorney setting forth the signatory’s authority to sign the COS, arbitrary, capricious, and unreasonable?

[Note: The Court imposed an expedited, peremptory briefing schedule in this matter. Any motion for leave to appear as amicus curiae shall be served and filed through eCourts Supreme, with the proposed amicus brief, on or before 2/18/2025. For information about submitting an amicus filing, please call the Clerk’s Office at (609)815-2955. No further submissions will be accepted unless requested by the Court.]

Certification Granted
A-30-24 Mirza M. Bulur v. The New Jersey Office of the Attorney General (090126)

Did the Attorney General have authority to supersede the Paterson Police Department?

[Note: The Court imposed an expedited, peremptory briefing schedule in this matter. Any motion for leave to appear as amicus curiae shall be served and filed through eCourts Supreme, with the proposed amicus brief, on or before 2/18/2025. For information about submitting an amicus filing, please call the Clerk’s Office at (609)815-2955. No further submissions will be accepted unless requested by the Court.]

Certification Granted

April 1, 2025

10 a.m.
A-16-24 Englewood Hospital & Medical Center v. The State of New Jersey (089696)

Does New Jersey’s charity care program -- which requires a hospital to provide services to all patients regardless of their ability to pay, prohibits the hospital from billing those patients, and does not provide at-cost reimbursement to the hospital -- amount to an unconstitutional taking of the hospital’s property?

Certification Granted

View the Supreme Court oral argument schedule for the 2024-2025 Court Year.

View the Supreme Court room seating diagram.

The NJ Judiciary will provide reasonable accommodations to enable individuals with disabilities to access and participate in court events. Interpreting services also will be provided if requested. Please contact to request an accommodation or interpreting services.

Recent webcast arguments can be found on the Recent Arguments page. Webcasts also are available, along with appeal summaries and other case-related information, on the Supreme Court Appeals page

We welcome your questions or feedback about the Supreme Court Webcasts. Please email us at